this post is dedicated to karenn low!
i know you're really stressed out,
dance, school-work, bf, leadership, cheerleading.
believe me, i was once in it too, even till now.
all you got to do is to manage them well, all at the same time.
i know its tough, but don't worry, you've got me, fazlin, ashikin, vic, eunice tjong, and many MORE!
you can rely on us, talk to us, we'll be ur ears!
i really hope you'll be strong, because it'll end really-really soon, i promise(:
hang on tight, its like a roller-coaster ride, with loops and unexpected turns ahead!
but the ride will come to an end (:
when you're dancing, let go of all the nasty feelings, concentrate on what you need to do.
if you don't, it'll affect ur performance!
babe, be strong but if you need to cry, go ahead.
but after you cry, dont dwell over it, because it'll hurt more.
find ways to communicate and solve the problems.
for everything, there's always a way out.
don't give up, and you'll find it !
that's all, karenn.
i hope to see ur smile again!
`love, eunicetay.