bee, yoo made me all crazy for you!
new layout, took me ages to get the codes right!
damn, i suck at all these layouts or tech things.i wanna learn photoshop soon!
(:shan't say too much about today, rather personal and might be hurtful too!
anyway, i passed both chinese and maths mock exam!
chinese: 49/70 ; maths: 44/80
well, im preety satisfied about it.
gehehes ^^
down for speechday on friday, till late at night.
there'll be ghastly make-ups, on the hands and neck too!
then syf on the 14th april.
well, its nerve-racking!
im not as prepared as before, i feel.
idk why, probably due to being too stressed-out.
tonns of testes and expectations.
it's killing!