well, today was alright. rather normal day, nothing much going on.
and a whole day of talks about careers and sexual edu.
saw fazlin and akmal in the morning and wished them.
(: have fun ppl, sec2 and 3!
well, idk what else to blog about.
today was just random.
after sch went bounqute for lunch with baby, talked then homed.
i enjoy sitting down and just letting my hearts out to you.
im going to be dead after i return back from my thai trip.
everything crashes with this trip, sch and dance.
i've got syf prc and i cant make it. i'll get killed, damn-it.
well, i've to ask teacher to help me explain things to instructor,
i know she would be angry with me, haix.
alrights, tmr i'm going to bring tibits to keep myself awake.
hopefully baby sits near me again like today.
at least i get to talk to him.