new hair do!
i so need a new hair do. im sick of my awfully neat hair thats just so boring sometimes. whenever im preparing to go out, it sometimes trouble me about my hair. shld i get it tie up or just let it be. such qns somehow only occurs on me, haha (:
i want to get bangs, maybe sth like the one in the picture. but maybe not as thick. and of course, i wont get my hair cut short. maybe get it trimmed. split ends )):
well, english and maths o's is over! maths was WOW! paper 1 was so unexpected(: hope my grades are so too. can't wait for it all to end, and its gonna be .. .. .. PROM NIGHT! ;DD
and also our holiday, where everyone would be working their ass off to earn extra bucks $$! so get clothes and lots and lots of things !!!!
and i can't wait to go on dates with abang and girlfriends!
rmb shopping and jurong safra??
maybe also a double date with akmal and fazlin bby, window shopping or movies?
&& also meet up my dancers (: rmb that outing we wanted to go and still haven planned yet??
i wanna spent time with u all before next year starts and all of u would be as busy as i was for the past months, o levels? haha
alrights man, i'm all excited(:
ILY and takecare!