Thursday, September 17 / 6:32 PM
just had my durian omelette from emi-cakes! (i'll rate it 3/5)
so many things happened in these weeks.mock exam after another.its killing X(its almost hari raya, everyone's busy.let's start from last friday? i went tampines to buy lin's presenthope she likes it we walked ard, and i got myself a shirt that i had always wanted! yeahhso did pohying. although she didnt get the colour she wanted.hmm yesterday, went daiso for short while to get box and paper.well, tmr my gfs will be going for movies but i dont think i wanna join,got some other guys going (i don't know any), so i guess i won't be joining them.saturday would be a busy day, be helping out at faizal's.and maybe joining melville and others for ... not sure if we'll have time for it. haven't been in the right mood, either be sleepy or just bored. so many things on my mind.i hope that it'll all be over, sooon.ILOVEYOU! ♥