Saturday, August 22 / 3:18 PM
RAWWWWWWWWWR,lets all rawr for the awesome mother tongue results we've gotten! (:worked so hard for it, intensive and tonnes of practice.finally i scored an A1.
i think i must have go nuts when i saw my results! distinctions and i dont have to worry anym!
this is what they have in photoshops, in pink and blue.
this ones awesome, i didnt see it anywhere in s'pore though,
this is awesome too, slim and preeety! (: seems to be a japanese product though.ohh-daisies, when will i get my polaroid camera?i want instant prints!pictures in polaroid frames, and some with cartoons!be it the vintage ones or the newest model, i just want it !ARGH! ):"mummy, will u buy that for me? X))"hahaha,alrights, people, lets work hard! LOVE, eunice.