Tuesday, March 30 / 8:52 PM

as u all can see, this is random soccer jersey. BUT my sister can imagine it as a piece of foolscap paper meant for her compo writing *the lines. my mum and i laugh until we teared. i told her to ask daddy to buy for her tio write compo but she said it was too big for her. so i said, 'u can write a longer compo'!
wad a joker my sis is. she came up with this random joke while we're shopping at mustafa last 2 weeks i guess. hahhaha & i love my RED CROCS(:
Friday, March 26 / 11:12 PM
not much chance to take nice pictures. not been up to anything lately, just hanging around the house or out with abang. haven't seen my girlfies for quite awhile, cant wait for the date on 1st april at east coast. (: though i thought it was a couples' date with pohying and boyfriend but well, it turns out to be a girlfies' date! haha how silly am i. can wait when we do crazy things together and take tonnes of pictures before sch starts and all of us would be too busy with sch schedule. alrights, gonna catch some telly-vision now (:
/ 10:51 PM
Tuesday, March 23 / 8:56 PM

if only i could eat this right now, but i can't. down with a bad flu, cant breathe well. and my throat hurts ): no mood for any food at all and i cant even tell if im hungry or not. food tasted blend and nose drools.
went on movie date today,
the lovely bones at cathay. awesome movie though some parts are QUITE terrifying. anyway, i love my PEARL earings, thanks abang!
LOVE, eunice *note to self- take ur med pls.
Wednesday, March 17 / 8:46 PM
curls;not a long day today, went tampines to shop. wanted to get headband at
diva but didnt have the colour i wanted. so sad* haha wanted a carebear lappy casing but i already had my sony one. maybe when this one gets dirty. & i had
AUNTIE ANNE! yummy, i love cinnamon sugar & sourcream and onion! i should try the cheese dip another time(; didnt get to eat fruit tarts cuz they were too ex. could u believe its $7.80 per slice?? i have gotta stick with the $3 bucks one at delifrance. or perhaps i make myself one when im free. (: anyway, promised abang to make him mac and cheese. hehe :D
LOVES, eunice.
Tuesday, March 16 / 12:03 AM
COUPLES' DATE,i went out with alin and akmal for a couple's date today! its been long since i seen them both! heheh we went orchard shaw to catch alice in wonderland. everyone was almost falling asleep except me, i was watching the entire movie. abang heard somebody snored in the cinema, damn inappropriate. well, window-shopped at fareast for awhile before alin had to go. then we head for suntec to get abang's VANS high cut shoes. AWESOME!
well, all i want u to know is that the past will still be in our minds but it will only teach us to be better lovers for each other instead of constantly reminding us how bad or how silly we were to do something like that. i love u dearly.
photos; updated once alin posts them. (:
Sunday, March 14 / 2:19 AM
heart-aches,ohhmy, how long have i not been updating?? my-my, hahah! FINALLY GOT MY SONY VAIO LAPTOP FOR SCH!!!!! and its PINK! yeahhh(: but its taking so long to update the stupid anti-virus ):
i miss my abang, though i just seen him friday. i miss my girfriends, haven't seen them either. eveyones working. i miss FAZLIN AND AKMAL too, can't wait for our date next week! hopefully one entire day of FUN! (: i haven't seen them since o lvl results. i miss my dancers but there isnt a point going back bcos nobody know me except the sec4 and 3. hahaha (:
well, so far so good i guess. been really tired at work, every work event is a test for strength and perserverence. hmm, learnt a lot, but some of the sales and director aint as friendly.
sometimes,my heart aches just overcomes my mind and soul. i wanna let it all out but its so hard. and i feel like talking to someone about it but thinking that u'll get hurt, i can't. so i normally jusy burst out in tears and fall asleep. i froget easily so by the next morning im all well. i just wanna let u know u are just so important to me, please don't give up on me and our love? will u do that for my sake?alrights, shall update another time when im free, at home.
I LOVE YOU! *smoochies.
Thursday, March 4 / 2:41 PM