new hair do!
i so need a new hair do. im sick of my awfully neat hair thats just so boring sometimes. whenever im preparing to go out, it sometimes trouble me about my hair. shld i get it tie up or just let it be. such qns somehow only occurs on me, haha (:
i want to get bangs, maybe sth like the one in the picture. but maybe not as thick. and of course, i wont get my hair cut short. maybe get it trimmed. split ends )):
well, english and maths o's is over! maths was WOW! paper 1 was so unexpected(: hope my grades are so too. can't wait for it all to end, and its gonna be .. .. .. PROM NIGHT! ;DD
and also our holiday, where everyone would be working their ass off to earn extra bucks $$! so get clothes and lots and lots of things !!!!
and i can't wait to go on dates with abang and girlfriends!
rmb shopping and jurong safra??
maybe also a double date with akmal and fazlin bby, window shopping or movies?
&& also meet up my dancers (: rmb that outing we wanted to go and still haven planned yet??
i wanna spent time with u all before next year starts and all of u would be as busy as i was for the past months, o levels? haha
alrights man, i'm all excited(:
ILY and takecare!

butterfly, fly.
i've found a new prospective towards butterfly.
as his coffin moved towards the cremating area,
i saw a butterfly long waiting for us.
it landed on the glass panel as we say goodbye to him.
as the coffin was not in sight, the butterfly flew tgt with us as we walked out of the viewing hall.
as though it had gotten freedom and it wanted to follow us.
woah, i was amazed at that moment.
though, it was really hard to let him go.
he was old, but all of us knew he left peacefully.
beeen trying to stay focus, doing maths mostly.
today, abg is going for a meal at seoul garden. hope he enjoys!
so far so good. (:
thanks for all your lovely concerns, babes!
` sometimes, i just feel like setting aside time, just for myself. hours and hours to do things i enjoy.
and making some craft. and also do some photography

i wanna let loose and run wild,
right now, i just wished for everything to end.
my grandfather would be cremated on fri aftn
today's gonna be a long day.
just so tiring to be running to the funeral everyday, till almost 12
and have to shower after that.
i havent got to sit down to study a-bit.
its like wasting the entire week.
i just want all this to end soon.
love, eunice.