Tuesday, September 29 / 7:00 PM

am i too tall? is it wrong to be a chinese?
haix idk too. maybe it was all along a mistake.
too bad i was a netballer, a dancer; stretching, jumping, running too much.
eat pork, drink alcohol.
woah, nvm
Tuesday, September 22 / 8:43 PM
hold his hand, feel the tenderness within.woah, long weekend huh?
haha, went to bby's place to help out.
while in the midst to rush out as i was rather late
my mum insisted i put on a proper dress as it's a new year for the muslims
so i had to
but in the end i wore back what i've decided on.
really shy and awkward as many of his relatives came, and i really mean many. tiring day, school starts, and i slept for 2 hrs since lessons began at 8.woah, its the 1st time, and for the rest of the day, i wasn't sleepy at all !ASP as usual, bee had to rush his art so he was really late for class.bought my brownie and cranberry cake and went home.can't wait to eat my lovely-addictive-sugar-babies! love(:
Friday, September 18 / 4:23 PM
roses, aren't they lovely? but haven't you see the torns it has?
3 days, it passed by so hard.
quarreling, arguements.
i'm tired of being upset.
i need to chill-out.
someone, just please take me away.
went back alone today, the rain probably came at the right time.
it poured, like what i feel inside right now.
no more tears, just pain.
haix, its alrights.
love, (;
Labels: torns on roses.
Thursday, September 17 / 6:32 PM
just had my durian omelette from emi-cakes! (i'll rate it 3/5)
so many things happened in these weeks.mock exam after another.its killing X(its almost hari raya, everyone's busy.let's start from last friday? i went tampines to buy lin's presenthope she likes it we walked ard, and i got myself a shirt that i had always wanted! yeahhso did pohying. although she didnt get the colour she wanted.hmm yesterday, went daiso for short while to get box and paper.well, tmr my gfs will be going for movies but i dont think i wanna join,got some other guys going (i don't know any), so i guess i won't be joining them.saturday would be a busy day, be helping out at faizal's.and maybe joining melville and others for ... not sure if we'll have time for it. haven't been in the right mood, either be sleepy or just bored. so many things on my mind.i hope that it'll all be over, sooon.ILOVEYOU! ♥
Thursday, September 3 / 7:12 PM
wad's with blogger?
im just getting sick of it not working.
it only makes me wanna change to a new blog!
Wednesday, September 2 / 8:53 PM
urghh! why can't u bitches have ur own mind-set?!
if somebody did sth already then don't do it.
and u know u'll be called copy cat, then why do
and pls whoever that reads this, DO NOT ASSUME its you
thanks a-lot.
"I'm pissed; "
/ 12:53 PM
OMG-OSH! ;Dmrs geraldine lee is pregnant, 4 MONTHS!everybody is jumping for joy.its like a gift for all of us for finishing our coursework.really am happy for her, everyones been asking her when she'll have a babyand out of surprise, it actually happened. (:WOAH!