Monday, July 27 / 1:21 PM
happy birthday, AUDREY!
hey babe, happy birthday to you! (L)hope u like the pink rose i gave you
and the cuppycake card i spent my entire night doing.
hehehs, and the mr greedy (though i thought its cute! :D)
alrights, i hope to watch the speechday play next year, ms belle.
Friday, July 24 / 7:30 PM
today, i realised something.maybe i've grown to become a little bit vulgar and loud. i should probably just keep my gossips, comments or assumptions to myself. hmm, im kinda tired. when can all these be over?sorry, sigh.
Wednesday, July 22 / 9:42 PM
school went smooth today.
nothing much happened.
had listening compre exams, thought it was okay.
went home, bathed.
been craving for my ice-kacang bubble tea from sweet-talk!
will u get it for me, love?
hahaha im just joking.
i neeed to loose some weight!
(: no joking but im fat.
i wanna be small, petite, and short. ):
&& i hope not to be in the same CIP group with;
21july2009; racial harmony day.
we had to put on traditional clothings, as usual (forced to)
been perspiring the entire day.
well, i do enjoy wearing a kebaya or baju kurong
but its too humid here)):
hahaha hope to own one someday.
alright, a lot of photo-taking that day. (or shld i say cam-whore??)
gfs, love, class, friends.
probably it was gonna be the last;
many dressed in indian sari (preeeety)
hope to get the pictures soon. (:
Saturday, July 18 / 12:50 PM
found out about some disgusting truth, biatch.wan scold me put my name la, what 4 go put ***
hahhaas, great analyser ehh?
my foot.
just shut ur stinky mouth and get lost!
stop being so childish and gossip. want to say just SAY!
u want scold come straight to my face!
and it's my own business to ignore the class
why wan to copy my post and quek's post and put on ur PRIVATE BLOG?
and mind u, blog's are meant to type nice stuff, not for spamming
or scolding ppl.
u just pissed me off.
u suck, biatch.
Friday, July 17 / 8:55 PM
today, was hell-tiring.
schooled. f&n prep for tmr's prac. chem mock test (SUCKS). homed alone. saw some bitchy chij girl. ate 2 packs of maggi.
woah, boring.kinda feeling nervous about tmr cos there's practical exams. ): life's been tiring. need to finish up my testimonial thingy by thurs, which means that i have to get signatures before that. science lessons been doing tonnes of prac. white ppt, carbon dioxide, sulphuric acid, organic chem, starch test, light intensity ... i missed dance, my old life, friends, haix.wished it'll be all over soon, so i can relax and let loose.and spent my holidays working.i wanna shop; hula & co. , modparade, bugis, fareast. haix. && some ppl are just well, too bitchy. cant stand it.
if u dont like me, then dont bother talking to me. why show attitude?
well, its just too bad.
(insert expressions.)
Wednesday, July 15 / 9:10 PM

nothing can eplain the kind of emotions im having right this moment,
is it aches, cries or loneliness ?
i cant figure it out by myself.
maybe i've lost the usual person i am.
i need to breathe.
how long more can i hold ?
after o's , after poly , or after i die?
can anybody answer that?
am i asking for too much from you?
i guessed so,
perhaps it is.
im almost breaking a-part.
please, put me together again?
Tuesday, July 14 / 10:02 PM
CONGRATS♥BABES!to the to tiny people beside me, all the best on ur leadership roles. be better than what me and ur seniors had done. bring the future batch of dancers to greater heights and for syf and other competitions. be united, learn to give in and let go. YOU may be tiny, but ur strength is so great hiden beneath. all the committee should all work together, and help ur chairperson and vice chair- person. i hope to see u all bond together as one, like we all used to. don't see this role as a burden. a trouble, it is an opportunity for you to learn and grow from it. all the best, i hope to see u, dancers, soon.takecare, and DO UR SPLITS! `ILYSM, ♥eunice
Wednesday, July 8 / 8:17 PM
well, shit happened today.
thought if i didnt bother talking to *nothing nasty would happen, BUT did.
such a biatch. who cares if she reads it!! ahahas, im going to sit behind with joycelyn and ignore the classno point putting so much effort and its all gone to waste.;D im done ranting nonsence!good-bye.`ily, ♥eunice
Tuesday, July 7 / 8:05 PM
hope you like my present, although it is quite simple.
special b'day post!
enjoy chewing ur mentos.
`ily, ♥eunice