Thursday, June 4 / 8:10 PM
saw this at fazlin's blog:
(RANDOM!! hahaa but cool lah!)
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched.
Apiphobia- Fear of bees. (eeehmmm f* hahas)
Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection. (kind-of)
Atychiphobia- Fear of failure.
Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria.
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness. (so-me!)
Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of lonliness.
Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old.
Gerontophobia- Fear of old people and above.
Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. (trying to get over it)
Iatrophobia- Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors.
Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish.
Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone.
Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals.
Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight. (SO TRUE!)
Onomatophobia- Fear of hearing a certain word or of names.
Ophthalmophobia- Fear of being stared at. (kind-of)
Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking.
Psychophobia- Fear of mind.
Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others. (sometimes)
Spheksophobia- Fear of wasps.

EUNICE tay, 21 april 1992.
i love photography, polariod, graphics, scrapbooks, morning glory notebooks, ribbons, lace, vintage, daisy, dandelion!
cupcakes, chocolate, cookies, strudels, cakes, tartlets, creampuff, i love pastry

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Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.