Thursday, April 30 / 11:25 PM
drowning;i wanna dance, the feeling on stage is 'WOAH'
you'll never be able to imagine it.
i wanna go out for a day,
with yoo. giggle, talk, kiss; haix
nvm, drained due to heavy loads of school work
caused my panda eye and eye bag to
i can't smile like i used to.
idk why,
Tuesday, April 21 / 10:30 PM
21april2009♥;it is a very memorable day of my life,i swear this is my first bday "party"where my close friends come tgt and celebrate my birthday.thank yoo all!i would like to thanks yoo all personally!and not forgetting the most important person who made it all happen so perfectly, my sweethearts, faizal baby!♥YEAH!people who made this day all worth the memory!;;faizal-bby ;fazlin-bitch ;akmal! ;pohying-girlfy ;shiyun ;linlin ;joycelyn ;huiqi ;kaili ;peiying ;sheree;cheeyen ;ashikin ;yuma ;victoria ;karenn ;filzah ;farhan ;gregory ;hafiz ;saaban ; dennis ;benjamin;rafidah ;xinyu ;anna ;grace ;carina ;enqisorry if i left out anyonee, i have STM. i tend to forget easily S:thank yoo all so very much! be it bday wishes, hand shake, leaving ur big wish in my card, through msg, or hugsor being at my party or helping me get things!THANK-YOU!:DDDi really appreciate you in everyway!and this very day is going to end in about less than an going to miss this very day.haix ):i'll remember how much effort yoo guys put in for my birthday.(: ILY!!anyway, thanks for all the presents and card!and cake!faizal baby; i really do love the album you gave me, very sweet and i swear i love it!fazlin and akmal; i'm gonna have tooth decay by the time i finish all the candies!yuma; thanks for the card and bear, just so adorablevictoria; thanks for the little clay piece(: sweeets!!ashikin; thanks for the sweeeeeet card and drawings of me and zal (i'm fat(:)pohying and babes; thanks for the BIGGG marie and all the things in the box(: and also singing me bday song in the morning vernice and ernest tay; thanks for the gift(; hehesanna; thanks alot babe(: i will give a present on ur bday too! YEAHHHS! okays larh, the day has almost sad and i dont wanna let it passed.its okay, i'll keep it inside my heart.thank you all for making it so wonderful! goodnights, have a sweet-dream and rest well !`love, ♥BIRTHDAY-GIRL!;D
Friday, April 17 / 5:51 PM
yes! we did it!way better than we even could think of!
this is the best birthday present ever.
we were screaming the way to ava room, out of it and at the courtyard
woah, best feeling i ever felt.
all of us cried, we work so hard for it.
bruises, blisters, cuts and wounds.
im very proud of the dancers.
i went on the stage, filled with hope.
i tried my very best, to dance with emotions.
and it went so fast, i couldnt remember if i did my routine.
all i could remember was i told fazlin "you can do it!"
as she was doing her last post.
applause, lights out, ran.
all the fear and anxiety was all gone
im really glad and happy we made it so far.
but it also means the end of my dancing path.
o levels, asp, classes, expectations.
hmm, i wanna find back that gush of adrenaline in my body to dance again!
Saturday, April 11 / 6:52 PM
this episode is about archuleta and this other guy whose anti-americans,so the icarly crew got archie on their show, and told the viewers which hotel the anti-american guy was staying. and archie said:archie: should we tell 'em what room?carly: i don't think we shouldarchie:(sweet-smiles) room 5thirteen!carly: thats right, thats 513!OMG!?this picture made me nuts!yoo know, faizal likes that carly girl and im siding archuleta so yea,seeing them in the same frame makes me JEALOUS!omfg!?but although i dont like her, i'll still watch it when the video is up on the internet! (: cant wait !! Labels: archuleta on icarly
/ 5:45 PM
dance in the sun;
guess what?!
syf is on tuesday!
im excited, instead of being f-nervous.
isnt it ridiculous?
too much dancing till once you turn on the syf song,
i'll be able to tell u which part it is!
hopefully we perform well on that day,
& get what we aimed for.
i'll put in whatever energy that im left with,
and work hard for what we deserve!
Dancers, we can do it.
and, we already make a date out to www!
OMG!? its gonna be damn damn fun
especially with people like
this are the people i hang ard with in dance
i can't wait,
and i hope everybody turns up for it
its kinda the last outing for us):
alrights, that special day is coming in like 10DAYS!
well, idk what crazy things my friends would do.
i'll bring facial wash, extra clothings. shampoo.
yoo know, getting dirty ;x
i found out some dirty things in cheerlead.
Tuesday, April 7 / 11:56 PM
hey , currently using my iPod to type his post.
just went to David archuleta's autography session at iluma
waited so damn long bcos we were there early
but it was worth it
I got to see archuleta, So cute!!
he sang awesome!
but too bad. too many bitches ard me that kept pushing
and screaming paranoidly
great performance but rather short
and ppl who bought his album manage to go in only
so me and YUMA were stuck outside,
well, very pissed off as ppl keep pushing so we purposely talk
annoying );
went mac'ds for dinner with yumms and faizal bby,
windowshopped and wanted to get myself a new purse
but the design I wanted was dirty, too bad
anyway, had a great time!
YUMMS! : cheer up bcos archuleta will be there for you!
'faizal's baby(;
Labels: David archulet(;
Sunday, April 5 / 11:48 PM

this post is dedicated to karenn low!
i know you're really stressed out,
dance, school-work, bf, leadership, cheerleading.
believe me, i was once in it too, even till now.
all you got to do is to manage them well, all at the same time.
i know its tough, but don't worry, you've got me, fazlin, ashikin, vic, eunice tjong, and many MORE!
you can rely on us, talk to us, we'll be ur ears!
i really hope you'll be strong, because it'll end really-really soon, i promise(:
hang on tight, its like a roller-coaster ride, with loops and unexpected turns ahead!
but the ride will come to an end (:
when you're dancing, let go of all the nasty feelings, concentrate on what you need to do.
if you don't, it'll affect ur performance!
babe, be strong but if you need to cry, go ahead.
but after you cry, dont dwell over it, because it'll hurt more.
find ways to communicate and solve the problems.
for everything, there's always a way out.
don't give up, and you'll find it !
that's all, karenn.
i hope to see ur smile again!
`love, eunicetay.
Friday, April 3 / 11:12 PM

ARGH! split ends ):
terrible ones;
i'm gonna have short hair soon
i'll miss my long-long hair,
that people usually admires, haix
baby, is there anyway i can dont cute my hair away?
too bad, i didnt take good care of my hair.
didnt conditioned it, didnt bother to pamper it.
ohh-well, i can only blame myself for it);
and tell myself it will grow back again,
Labels: haix, my hair