Tuesday, March 24 / 11:53 PM
bee, yoo made me all crazy for you!
new layout, took me ages to get the codes right!
damn, i suck at all these layouts or tech things.i wanna learn photoshop soon!
(:shan't say too much about today, rather personal and might be hurtful too!
anyway, i passed both chinese and maths mock exam!
chinese: 49/70 ; maths: 44/80
well, im preety satisfied about it.
gehehes ^^
down for speechday on friday, till late at night.
there'll be ghastly make-ups, on the hands and neck too!
then syf on the 14th april.
well, its nerve-racking!
im not as prepared as before, i feel.
idk why, probably due to being too stressed-out.
tonns of testes and expectations.
it's killing!
Friday, March 20 / 5:15 PM
well, im back from thailand.
it's really enjoyable but not really as relaxing, tonns of walking from hotel to mall and from mall back to hotel.
everything is so big; malls, airport - thats why we walked, ALOT.
&&, i recommend yoo all if you are going to thailand, to visit the SIAM NIRAIMIT, its an excellent place filled with thailand's culture and a GREAT threatrical show call CHANG(:!
its the only show that uses real-life animals and water features in their show. the front part of the stage is made to be like a river, where performers can swim or even row their boats passed.
and guess what, it really rains in that stage !!
the stage stretches all the way to the 2 corners of the front, so you'll have to turn your head to look at what's going on. im totally amazed with thai's so forward with stage and props. they have such detailed stage background and costumes! the performers fly too! (: its a must go !!
well, the rest was just shopping and walking under that HOTHOTHOT weather!
it's worst than what we're experiencing in s'pore.
traffic wise - chaotic, 2 different directions of traffic is just seperated by just a dotted line?!
ppl cross roads as they want, cars do slow down for yoo to cross.
bad atmospere, cloudy and hazey!
outside every mall, or should i say everywhere has a at least 1 or 2 status of the four-faced buddha and the elephant goddess.
and ppl pray alot there, they pray with incent and flowers.
there are many stalls that sells local foods, yoo name it they have it.
but it preety digusting, with flies flying!
i went to siam ocean world on the second day, i think its better than our sentosa's under water world!
with boat-ride that has a glass-bottom and yoo can feed prawns to the fishes!
and with a lot of fish species!
thats' all, pictures will be posted up soon!!
`love; eunicetay(:
Tuesday, March 17 / 12:58 PM
im currently at the airport, terminal 1(:using the free internet access.well, waiting to board the plane.(:it sad that im leaving all the things i have behind in s'pore,dance; hmk; oral; baby!haix alright, anyway i'll be back really soon !(:`LOVE Labels: terminal 1; 17march 2009
/ 1:13 AM

flowers are just so sweet-smelling(:
well, just one short post before i head from thailand tmr.
be back on the 20th,
im gonna be dead when i return home.
tonns of holiday assignments and my syf !
im doomed ):
ohh-well ;
im going to miss my sweehearts dearly, but i cant do anyt about it.
i promise to try and bring yoo back presents okay?
anyway i still owe you ur FAMOUS cap from v.day.
alright, got nagged cos it almost 2am(:
goodnite ppl , sweetdreams!
Friday, March 13 / 5:25 PM

chinese mock exam.
i think i did okay.
i lost my 2 parents letter sia, i was panicking to find it.
well, mummy has to write it again ):
anyway, the sec3 are back from camp, whom are sun-burned and SMELLY!
well, sec2 will be back at night, due to being in KL!
(: i miss yoo all!
[yesterday, 12 march 2009]
and yoo know, i've fallen in love with the game of buying stocks.
its damn exciting when u see the prices drop and rise.
well, my team were called the "chiong-sters" but we manage to earn $2000+
it was quite satisfying though.
Labels: its you, my dear.
Wednesday, March 11 / 6:32 PM

well, today was alright. rather normal day, nothing much going on.
and a whole day of talks about careers and sexual edu.
saw fazlin and akmal in the morning and wished them.
(: have fun ppl, sec2 and 3!
well, idk what else to blog about.
today was just random.
after sch went bounqute for lunch with baby, talked then homed.
i enjoy sitting down and just letting my hearts out to you.
im going to be dead after i return back from my thai trip.
everything crashes with this trip, sch and dance.
i've got syf prc and i cant make it. i'll get killed, damn-it.
well, i've to ask teacher to help me explain things to instructor,
i know she would be angry with me, haix.
alrights, tmr i'm going to bring tibits to keep myself awake.
hopefully baby sits near me again like today.
at least i get to talk to him.
Tuesday, March 10 / 5:10 PM

♥ones' beauty is found deep within oneself, not on the outer appearance.
it is hurtful if someone elses discreminate you from the rest as you may look UGLY.
well, i know i am not preety at all.
but could yoo at least respect me and not stare nor laugh?
like wtf?!
i didnt even offend yoo in anyway and PLUS i dont even know you, for goodness sake.
please, you aint preety neither.
and trying to act like you're one fat B*TCH.
it doesnt mean only preety girls can wear a dickes bag.
so, just fcuk off, CHIJ B*TCH
thanks alot, i greatly appreciate it (:
i don't feel sad about being not the preety one.
its okay to me.
(: im proud of what my mum and dad gave me.
so mind you, just FCUK OFF!
today been okay,
had f&n prac and made yoghurt chocolate cupcakes.
it tasted great!
i love to bake, but i dont have the time.
if i do, i'll bake for baby, all my friends(: !!
anyway, been down for syf lately.
): really tired of all the tough and tiring practices
but i've to work really hard to brush up the flaws.
EUNICETAY; fight for it and make it all worth it!
yoo can make it and do extremely well!
love; eunicetay♥
Thursday, March 5 / 5:04 PM

`plastered heaart.
fazlin, you're so mean.
"fcukass, yoo monkey-face thick eyebrow."
ahahs, i know who yoo're talking about.
well, if you're not tiny nor petite, dont use the word TINY or PETITE!
well, i basically screwed my chem/bio test.i didnt understand a single shit.had 2 hrs of LCE, but didnt had anything to do.so i did my english homework.i wrote 2 full pages of oral communication.all my ideas on nature's beauty and wildlife.i also drag in the topic on global warming and recycling.(:after sch, hang around in canteen for awhile.went home, changed.meet zal awhile more at bus-stop.i practically threw tantrems.i'm sorry about it.):anyway, 2 more days of test and that's itresults would be ATROCIOUS.and i might be one of those who needs to be monitered.hopefully NOT.we've drifted apart, even more now.we don't have much topic to talk about anymore.i don't know why; dneirf
Wednesday, March 4 / 7:08 PM
somethings are for you to find out,and please kindly, STOP copying me.its RATHER frustrating.i hope it gets into your brain,but seriously i aint got no offence.
/ 6:12 PM

`well, girls need spastic moments too!
today, was social studies exams.
wasnt really that difficult as i've read up abt it, but i can't remember certain factors which could cause me to fail.
haix, whatever.
slacked the whole day, except for biology which i was really attentive, i dont wanna be switched to another bio class i like the way i am now, even if its the LAST band.
haix i want mr sara to teach me!! okay larh, maybe i ask mummy to write a letter to school.
recess was TOTAL ass.
some people took our seat and then STARE at us.
like wth?!
i didnt do anything to upset yoo lah.
alright, shouldnt be mean.
i'm not trying to be anything, just writing out my comment,
i dressed up joycelyn's DOMO,
with boxers, super-man cape, crown and PINK fart.
well, it turned out cute;DD
at least domo was PREEETY.
went lunch after school with PY,SY,LIN and FAIZAL!
talk crap, laughed.
went popular to hunt for goeg file but didnt had money.
and we ended up reading magazines!
then homed(:
mug-ging for bio and chem,
i purely forgotten all my pass-year work!
ahahs, ohhwell.
all the best to sec5s!
Labels: random;
Sunday, March 1 / 5:57 PM

dakota fanning.

isnt she preety?
well, do you notice she looks like some hollywood star too?
she does look like the grown-up dakota fanning.
her name is gemma ward, a supermodel from aussie.
im in love with that baby doll face(:
/ 3:43 PM

today, had rehearsal at nus ucc.
well, it was fun, totally different feeling from what we did in sch.
after that, went to faz house with eunice to borrow some clothes
lunched at cp,
went home.
i overslept and had to drop off at the next bus stop
i was too paiseh to rush down the bus,
fazlin and i chatted abit,
about our boyfriends, and problems we had with them
it was fun though,
its been long since i talked to fazlin.
well, mr faizal, i miss yoo
i miss you kisses and hugs.
when will i ever go out again with you? next week?
to all my sweet dancers, work hard strive hard.
we can make it to syf'09.
all the best ahead!